The nutrition Trifecta for Perimenopause Weight Management

protein, fibre and healthy fat fuelled breakfast for perimenopause weight management

Perimenopause can be a whirlwind of changes. Weight management can become a particular challenge as your body adjusts to fluctuating hormones and increasing demands on your time and energy reserves. Do not despair!! By focusing on the right nutrients, you can take a non-diet approach to supporting your body’s needs and feel your best during this time.

The trifecta of protein, healthy fats, and fibre are your allies in weight management and overall wellbeing.


As you enter perimenopause, your body starts producing less estrogen. Amongst other things, this can lead to a decline in muscle mass, which can impact your metabolism and contribute to weight gain. This is where protein comes to the rescue. It acts as the building block for muscle, and consuming enough can help you maintain or even build muscle mass during this time. This translates to a more efficient metabolism, which helps you burn more calories at rest. Studies show that women in midlife should aim to eat 1-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight every day. You can get this from meat, fish, dairy, nuts, legumes, and soy products.


If you have read my article on fat, you will know that dietary fat has historically got a bad rap, but that healthy fats are essential for a balanced diet, especially during perimenopause. They promote satiety, keeping you feeling fuller for longer and reducing cravings. Healthy fats also play a role in hormone production and regulation, which can be beneficial during hormonal fluctuations. Good sources are avocadoes, extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, nuts, and seeds.

Fibre: Your gut’s best friend

Fibre is another key player in weight management. It adds bulk to your diet, promoting feelings of fullness and aiding digestion. This can help regulate your appetite and prevent overeating. Fibre can also help manage blood sugar levels, which can be a concern during perimenopause, and it feeds your good gut bacteria keeping your gut and digestion in good condition.

building your balanced plate


  • Start your day with protein and fibre: a protein-rich breakfast like eggs with rye bread, or greek yoghurt with berries and nuts will keep you feeling satisfied until lunchtime.

  • Include healthy fats at every meal: throw some nuts and seeds on top of your soups and salads, have a side of avocado or a drizzle of oil. Whatever way you like to have it, just make sure its there.

  • Make vegetables the star of your plate: Fill half your plate with a variety of non-starchy veg like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, sprouts or peppers.

  • Chose whole grains over refined ones for blood sugar balance and the nutritional benefits and fibre they contain: quinoa. bulgar wheat, rolled or wholegrain oats, and buckwheat are all great options.


Weight management during perimenopause is a journey, not a destination. By focusing on a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and fibre, you can support your body’s needs, feel your best, and navigate this transition with confidence.


gut feeling: the importance of good gut health in perimenopause


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