Real Health Eve Buchanan-Graham Real Health Eve Buchanan-Graham

how to happy Your Hormones

For women in their peri-menopause / menopause years (on average from age 43 but can start a lot earlier) this is another period of internal flux. There are four hormones in particular that cause an absolute riot during peri-menopause and menopause - oestrogen, insulin, cortisol and thyroid. The rise and fall of these hormones during this time can make it difficult to function on a day to day basis or sometimes to even recognise who we are any more.

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Real Health Eve Buchanan-Graham Real Health Eve Buchanan-Graham

Sleep Your Way To midlife Health

I want everyone to have a love affair with sleep! It is a key topic of conversation with my clients, and they find that when sleep issues are addressed and improvements made, it really is game changing for their overall health.

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